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Back to the Future Broadway Musical


我们名单上的第一位是凯西-莱克斯(Casey Likes),他是过去几年在百老汇掀起风暴的新面孔之一,目前正在主演《回到未来》。他从小就在亚利桑那州当地剧院的演出中磨练自己的演技,年仅17岁便出演《几乎成名》。凭借对戏剧的热情和无可否认的天赋,他最终走上了百老汇的舞台。

在《回到未来》中,莱克斯扮演了马蒂-麦克弗莱(Marty McFly)这一经典角色。他的表演致敬了这个深受观众喜爱的角色,且又增添了自己独特的魅力和能量,创造了一个属于他自己的角色。他对马蒂的冒险精神和对角色脆弱性的细腻理解,征服了观众和评论界。莱克斯充满活力的舞台表现力、非凡的歌唱和表演技巧,为他赢得了极高的赞誉,被誉为百老汇最有前途的新人之一。

百老汇闪耀新星的名单上少不了伊利亚-雷亚-约翰逊(Elijah Rhea Johnson)。约翰逊以前以歌手身份闻名,如今迅速跃升为百老汇明星,展现出天然而出众的天赋,令人印象深刻。

MJ Michael Jackson Musical



伊莎贝尔-麦卡拉(Isabelle McCalla)是本季另一位掀起波澜的天才。凭借在《Shucked》《阿拉丁》中的出色表演,麦卡拉在百老汇的地位稳步上升。在她扮演的每个角色中,您都能看到她充满献身艺术的激情和讲故事的热情。

Water for Elephants

In the new Broadway adaptation of Water for Elephants, McCalla portrays Marlena, a circus performer. McCalla's Marlena is a vibrant and complex character, brought to life with a mix of strength, vulnerability, and an enchanting stage presence. She infuses the role with a fresh perspective, using her unique talent to depict the character's emotional journey with depth and sincerity.


McCalla's performance in Water for Elephants has been met with resounding applause from critics and audiences alike. Critics have praised her for her "charming" performance. Audience reactions have been equally positive, with many acknowledging McCalla's performance as a highlight of the show. Her work this season further solidifies her as a remarkable talent in the Broadway landscape.


Venture into the world of Broadway this season and witness an array of talents, both newly discovered and familiar ones, shining on the stage. All of these artists are redefining narratives and shaping musical theatre with their unique talents and perspectives. So call up some loved ones, plan a fun night out, and be ready to be thrilled by what you see.


Plus, by booking with Broadway Inbound’s group discount feature, available for groups of 10 or more, you can create unforgettable memories alongside your friends, colleagues, or family members at a fair price. So gather your group, pick your show, and get ready to applaud some of this season's most noteworthy performances.